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Forum Rules - Read First

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Forum Rules - Read First Empty Forum Rules - Read First

Post  Ashwitxx Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:40 pm

Okay guys, most of us have used forums before, so this shouldn't really be that hard. But here are a few ground rules:

1. SPEAK ENGLISH! Rosal is an English server, our guild is an English guild. It's awesome that we have people from all over the world with us, but it's not awesome when we can't understand what you are trying to say. For all I care, PMs can be done in the language of the giant polka dotted Twinkie monster, but please, keep the main forums English.

2. DON'T BE A DOUCHE. You know what I mean. Don't flame, troll, or spam. We all joke, and we can all take a joke, just don't be unnecessarily mean to anyone, k?

3. NO CHATSPEAK! Seriously, tYping lyke diz makes me want to snap your neck.



Basically, don't be a douche. Don't have huge signatures. The banners I make I usually around 500x150 pixels (lxh) and those fit just fine. If you stretch the page, your image will be removed and you'll be asked to resize it. And same goes for the general forum


Same as signatures. I usually use 200x200 pixels at the highest.

Font Colors

I've left the option open for you to change font colors in the post. Be kind to our eyes. Don't use absurd color choices. Be creative, but don't make my eyes bleed. That's all I ask.

As always, enjoy yourselves. And if you have a problem on the forums, feel free to shoot me or the guild leaders a PM.

Happy Dofusing!


Last edited by RAJ-rios on Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:58 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Ooh Rah members are expected to be mature, or they would not be welcomme to the guild. Use your best judgements.)

Posts : 59
Join date : 2010-06-02
Age : 37
Location : Chester Gap, VA, USA


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