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**Message From Amma**

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**Message From Amma** Empty **Message From Amma**

Post  Ashwitxx Sat Oct 23, 2010 11:57 am

Hey guys, as most of you know, I quit my Osa. Before quitting my Osa, I also quit Ooh Rah. I took my Eca out also. Chris has since given me Eartip's account, and he is still in Ooh Rah, primarily because I don't play him often, but Chris does. I also play an agi sac now. Overall though, I'm basically not in game. Life has become much too stressed and chaotic for me and I need to deal with that rather than hiding in pixels most of the time.

I left Ooh Rah due to irreconcilable differences of opinions. A few of the issues I had had been addressed previously with not only Raj, but with the people causing the offenses. A few of my issues I did not discuss with anyone, and that is my fault. I commend people for making a valiant effort to correct something that both Chris and I had a major issue with. I left for a whole slew of reasons. Overall, I just don't feel like Ooh Rah and I are a good fit anymore. That being said, the majority of you are decent people and I do/did enjoy your company. And I would never bad mouth the guild in a public chat. I want everything to be as civil as possible.

I've thought a lot about what my leaving the guild will mean for the forum. I haven't had the time or the energy to work on it lately. It needs to be hand coded so that things can run more smoothly on it. That's something I am just not able or willing to invest my very limited time into currently. But, I made this forum for the guild, and I think it would be a bitch thing to do to either just abandon it or shut it down completely. Therefore, I am going to hand it over. I'm going to give admin rights to Raj, Sonja, and the SiCs in the guild. You guys may do with it whatever you please. I think that is the most fair thing I can do here. Enjoy the forum, have fun in the game, and have nice lives, guys.

Posts : 59
Join date : 2010-06-02
Age : 37
Location : Chester Gap, VA, USA


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**Message From Amma** Empty Thanks for the civil conclusion

Post  RAJ-rios Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:28 am

Hopefully one or all of us combined will be able to manage it as well as you had previously, I can speak for myself in saying I have no idea how to adjust any parameters of this forum. Maybe somebody else knows how? Anybody?


Posts : 146
Join date : 2010-06-03
Location : Turku, Finland

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