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Introducing: Ashwitxx

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Introducing: Ashwitxx Empty Introducing: Ashwitxx

Post  Ashwitxx Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:33 pm

Hey everyone, my first post was when I was testing everything out and not very informative. So editing this and actually posting real information for you guys. Smile

I am Amma, hey you, hey bitch, or whatever you choose to call me. The only thing that really offends me is being overly racist. I started playing Dofus about three years ago, and actually hated it. This was after Incarnam and rats were out, but rats were still not done by a lot of people. My first ever character was a Sram named Syonia. She was intell and only made it to level 12 when I realized that an intell sram was a very bad idea, lol. She ended up being my alchemist. I've tried cras, sadis, xelors, and finally settled on a summons Osa named Ashwit. His first guild was Leather and Lace. I lost him, along with my xelor and eni when an ex of mine gave out my password.

Since then I've played or had access to a 151 str Iop (Zhen; but the whole world of twelve has access to her now), 110 agi Iop (Sonomia) and of course my 161 Osa Ashwitxx and 103 str Eca, Specialkitty.

I was Second in Command in the guilds Circus and Fight tha Powah, and a protector (which was set up as a third in command type thing) in Us Against the World. I've also been in Dice Masters, Heaven's Knights (on Zhen, and for all of a day), Medieval Knights, Austrailia, and My Name Isn't. Zaj has been bugging me to join Ooh Rah since I hit 100 on Sonomia, and finally I decided to give you guys a shot. I'm so very happy I did. My eca is currently in Vita.

Obviously my characters are a 161 Damage/Support Osa, currently set up as more Vit/Int, but will hopefully soon be reset. Has the ability to switch over to summons when it is needed, and has two heals weapons. She's also our team's ratter.

Specialkitty is a level 103 strength Eca. She's most commonly found leeching with our team, but she does have a battle set and can carry her own weight. When we aren't dragging her through Bherb or BR, she's typically being leveled at kanis.

When I'm not on Dofus, I'm usually browsing BabyCenter.com or Facebook. Not Internet related, I spend a lot of time playing around on Adobe Photoshop CS4, reading, watching movies or generally hanging out with Chris. Smile

Last edited by Ashwitxx on Fri Jun 04, 2010 5:34 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added more information)

Posts : 59
Join date : 2010-06-02
Age : 37
Location : Chester Gap, VA, USA


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