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Introducing: Speroc

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Introducing: Speroc Empty Introducing: Speroc

Post  Speroc Fri Jun 04, 2010 11:16 am

My in game name are:
Speroc lvl 147 int osa
Lady Speroc lvl 121 int xelor
Sperocsinagisac lvl 70+ agi sac (dont wanna update every time it lvls... yet)
PS: Xelor and Sac is on same acc so i cant logg both at the same time.

And if u never notice my presence in the guild it might be because Im not the one that talks. XP

If u wonder what I do when im not playing dofus I study , Sleep , play xbox360 or watch animeseries like Naruto and Fullmetal Alchemist.

And my favorite smile is: XD


Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-06-03
Age : 29

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