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Post  Rag-Man Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:48 pm

Hey fellow members of Ooh Rah. I have been on Dofus A LOT lately. I have jumped from lvl 30-100 in 2 weeks, and lvl 100-160 in 3 weeks. I have been running mad amount of dungs everyday, however this might be slowing down, since I will be getting a full time and weekend job shortly.

For those who do not know my name, it's Dan. I am the Rag-Man. Currently, I am a lvl 163 Enu, my one and only real character, which focuses on pp, chance, and wisdom. I can have up to 414 pp, 800 chance, or 585 wisdom. I fluctuate with my mounts and pets. (I also have a lvl 101 eni, with no scrolled anything and on the same account as Rag-Man, so I never play on him. Originally my main)

I suppose a nickname for me could be Rag-Dan, almost the same thing. I am 18 years old, I will be turning 19 on July 5, 2010. I do a lot of work on the weekends, so don't expect to see me on then. However, on weekday, I have been known to play for 16-18 hours a day, the only other things that I did on those day, were eat and drink. I didn't even usually bother going to the bathroom. xD it got bad. I live in Eugene OR, the hippi capital of the US. If you are a hippi, this is the place to be. I do more than Dofus sometimes, I have a great social life, however, sometimes it's nice to just get online and ignore it. I always like to talk and go on hunts. Feel free to PM me when you want to do ANYTHING Smile (I will do it if I am not doing anything else)

Posts : 6
Join date : 2010-06-07
Age : 32
Location : Eugene, OR US

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Post  RAJ-rios Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:52 am

Great to meet ya On-the-rag-Dan.

btw awesome pic, thats hilarious


Posts : 146
Join date : 2010-06-03
Location : Turku, Finland

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