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A Re-Introduction

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A Re-Introduction Empty A Re-Introduction

Post  AmmaLlama Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:43 am

jo, I'm Amma, the crazy-ass bitch who went, well, crazy off pregnancy hormones and flew off the deep end. I'm back, in my right mind, and still crazier than ever.

For those of you don't me, yes, my name is Amma. It's really Amanda, but everyone calls me Amma. I am Chris' wife in real life, and together we have a son named Sebastian. I am 24 years old and am going to school to become a social worker. I am currently trying to get into a job and the Job and Family services as an office assitant. Wish me much luck.

You will often see my husband on my characters as I don't have a lot of time to play anymore. But I am building my own little epic team of wonders. SpecialKitty, the 161 str/dmg eca was originally mine but taken over by Chris. Ammarenee, 174 str/agi iop, is my little girl. Finigar, my lvl 89 agi sac, is one of my newer additions. Ninjaro, my lvl 60 mask is the baby of our group. He's strength and I'm already in love. And of course, my main attraction the love of my Dofus life: Ashwitxx, my 189 int/dmg osa. She's damage, she's support, she's my sac, my eni, my osa, my whatever you want her to be. The little soul bitch demon. Kriie, the loathesome cra that I hate so much, is also on of my lovely characters. She's Chris' but hell, I leeched her when she wasn't, and I leeched her when she was. I take rights to that girl.

I'm a loud mouth, pushy broad who likes to invade your kinkiest wet dreams. I have an unnatural obsession with ice and jello. I'm an intellectual. I am 100% anti-racist and anti-bullshit. Those are the quickest ways to piss me off. I like a good flirt, just remember, I'm married.

I can be found on Frigost, Nolifs Island, or doing Eternal Harvest or Around the world

Posts : 65
Join date : 2011-03-14
Age : 37
Location : Marysville, OH


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A Re-Introduction Empty Re: A Re-Introduction

Post  AmmaLlama Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:55 am

Scratch that. I was just informed Chris claimed iop and traded me one eni it's place.

Posts : 65
Join date : 2011-03-14
Age : 37
Location : Marysville, OH


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A Re-Introduction Empty Oh weird!

Post  RAJ-rios Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:48 am

I have no idea why this didn't show up as a new message, maybe one of the school computers I was on made it glitch out.

Great intro, I especially liked the part about bitches, demons, and Chris sucking.
Penis Amma!



Posts : 146
Join date : 2010-06-03
Location : Turku, Finland

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