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Ogrines Empty Ogrines

Post  Ashwitxx Tue Jun 22, 2010 9:50 pm


That is the link I found on http://www.dofus.com about the Ogrines system. To be honest, I don't think it helps us to understand what these new things are. So I headed over to the forums and found these:

How to buy/use Ogrines: http://forum.dofus.com/en/ogrines-f1018/[guide]-how-to-use-buy-ogrines-t91633.html

And dofus services you can purchase with Ogrines:

Hope that helps!

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Join date : 2010-06-02
Age : 37
Location : Chester Gap, VA, USA


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Ogrines Empty Re: Ogrines

Post  Ashwitxx Tue Jun 22, 2010 10:01 pm

Basically, what I found out is that right now, Ogrines can be either bought from the site or won from the Running of the Dungeons event. They can be bought with real money or an audio code. I THINK that you can exchange kamas for them also and vice versa, but I haven't come across any more information to verify that.

The four services available for Ogrines at the moment are:

Adding a character slot- being able to have 6 or 7 instead of just 5. Max is 7 slots and this costs 6,000 Ogrines, which is about the same price as a one month sub.

Changing your character name- Can only be done once every 15 days and costs 2,800 ogrines.

Changing character colors- Limit once per day, cost is 700 ogrines, which is the same as an audio code.

Changing your character's gender- Once every 7 days, cost is 2,800 ogrines.

I've heard rumors of being able to change your character's class as well. It is not available at this moment in time, and I have seen no definitive yes or no answer on whether it will be offered in the future. No information on gift points yet.

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Join date : 2010-06-02
Age : 37
Location : Chester Gap, VA, USA


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Ogrines Empty Re: Ogrines

Post  Petise Tue Aug 17, 2010 3:50 pm

Ashwitxx wrote:
Changing character colors- Limit once per day, cost is 700 ogrines, which is the same as an audio code.

I've changed my colors twice within 15 minutes before. :O!


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Age : 34
Location : Baie Sainte-Anne, New-Brunswick

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