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What can we do? Empty What can we do?

Post  Chancemen Sun Sep 18, 2011 4:24 pm

Ok, so as most of you know me and speroc got kind of a team together, we have another irl friend(not in ooh rah Crying or Very sad ) wich has 3 chars aswell.

Currently it's:
Chancemen: 188 wiss/cha enu
Speroc: 164 int/cha osa
Sperocsinagisac: 137 agi sac
Sperocsgrandpa:131 cha enu (most likely going wiss/cha aswell)
Arcticfox: 145 agi/str masq
Usuallylive: 113 int eni
Aloplex: 135 cha sac

Total level: 1013

As you see its 7/8 atm.

I got 2 questions:
What do you recomand for an 8 char?
What dungs should we try?

About the 8th char, boszi wont let me use his feca so that's out of the question, but im allowed to use zrams 134 str sram. I also kinda want a panda.

Hope we can get some smart suggestions. Thank you beforehand

Edit: Speroc is mostly support. He uses minotot set and heals about 300 each time with animal healing.

Last edited by Chancemen on Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:20 am; edited 1 time in total


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What can we do? Empty Well,

Post  RAJ-rios Sun Sep 18, 2011 8:50 pm

You're one short for a perfect Dreggon dungeon run, the right level for the new (but les XP) Soft Oak dungeon if I'm not mistaken, and if you're real careful, maybe you guys could pull off Obsidemon? But I'll be honest with you, the best XP I got was around your level when I started doing Minotot, and you guys have a better team than I did for it. So if you're looking for non-Frigost advice, Tot. And remember to do Bherb every time your BOK resets too because it's fast.

Looking at the teammates you listed, you'd be an amazing Tot group, the whole team is built for it. And 8th would ruin your cap in that dungeon, but if you had to have an 8th, I'd avoid a panda since you already have 2 sacs for map manipulation. Since Speroc focuses on damage and your Eni is low level, you would be best off with a Feca. A Sadi might be nice for eart and neutral damage and healing summons, but a Feca would compliment your team better since you have enough Enus for un-bewitching as it is. There are nice combination moves like truce and unbew enemies, Sacrifice the team and immune the Sac, and the reduced damage would make your one Eni and hybrid Osa capable of keeping your team alive. Ask around, I haven't had a Feca or a Sadi in a long time, but I believe with current spells that a Feca would be the way to go with your team.


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What can we do? Empty Re: What can we do?

Post  AmmaLlama Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:25 pm

I am completely anti-feca for many reasons, so I would suggest either Sadi or Xelor. I have to agree with Raj, with two sacs, you don't NEED a panda, and I think they nerfed the spells for them anyway, so they really aren't very useful anymore. If I am wrong about that, sorry, I haven't played Dofus in more than a month. A Xelor can be useful, but it depends on what you are doing and how you build it. They are double edged swords, on one hand, if in the right setting, they can be invaluable, however, in a different setting, they can be completely useless. Feca's shields and glyphs are nice, and a Sadi is just all around a good character to have. I wouldn't go with Iop because you have enough damage characters. I've seen Speroc play, and with a low level eni, I would be tempted to go with another character that heals too. Sadis are best for this. Fecas with a boogie aren't bad. I'm not saying anything bad about Speroc at all, but more heals in certain dungeons that even the best Osa can give are always nice. I don't know much about Rogues, but I don't think that would be the way to go. Did I see a cra? Cras are always nice, even if they are almost obsolete. Even if it's just for the distance shooting buff, I love me a good support cra. But for what you need, I'd say Sadi or Xelor, and only Xelor if you think you are going to need an ap raper. If not, go with Sadi.

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What can we do? Empty Re: What can we do?

Post  Eend Tue Sep 20, 2011 9:24 am

Chancemen: 188 wiss/cha enu
Speroc: 164 int/cha osa
Sperocsinagisac: 137 agi sac
Sperocsgrandpa:131 cha enu (most likely going wiss/cha aswell)
Arcticfox: 145 agi/str masq
Usuallylive: 113 int eni
Aloplex: 135 cha sac

Above i did put the team you got. If you really want to stick with that team then i would suggest either a str character (iop or eca) but if you are willing to change the teams a little i would suggest to change it a bit completely

If you just go for number 8. Str eca can be very nice as a last character. Good for support and strong in str attacks. The right builds will make sure that you do massive str damage and that you can still support the rest of the team.
If you want to have a character for just damage then the iop is your guy. Although that is not recomended. He is less of a support player.

If you feel like getting a team that is the best for most dungeons in dofus then i would suggest a different team then you got atm.
Including in this team would be the following characters.
Enu, Eni, Panda, Osa, Eca/Sac, Feca, Xelor and a Cra.
The builds are a bit harder to figure out:
Enu would be Wisdom Chance
Eni would be Healing and Intel
Panda should be MovePoints, and maybe Strength/Agillity (but this is free to fill in for yourself i would say.) The panda would be more for support then damage here.
Osa, Vit and Intel
Feca Intel
Xelor Wisdom
Cra Wisdom/all elements are good.
And then there are 2 characters that would be hard to choose from:
Eca Good for support and Str build.
Sac good for moving around on the maps and to Sacrifice.

I hope this gives an idea of what is a good team. But after all. It is the player who will win the fight or lose it. (and the 1/2 system that is actually a system that makes no sense)

Humble Eend/Daan

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What can we do? Empty Re: What can we do?

Post  Eend Tue Sep 20, 2011 9:27 am

One more add to all of this. I was thinking to make myself the perfect team. This is not possible. So i am thinking to make a team of 8 enu's. Some day i will get there. They will be hax with the right builds as well. and massive in running around for no reason at all.

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What can we do? Empty Re: What can we do?

Post  diskudjua Wed Sep 21, 2011 5:08 pm

Eend wrote:
Above i did put the team you got. If you really want to stick with that team then i would suggest either a str character (iop or eca) but if you are willing to change the teams a little i would suggest to change it a bit completely

If you just go for number 8. Str eca can be very nice as a last character. Good for support and strong in str attacks. The right builds will make sure that you do massive str damage and that you can still support the rest of the team.
If you want to have a character for just damage then the iop is your guy. Although that is not recomended. He is less of a support player.

Str, str , str... missing me already cha ;D?

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What can we do? Empty Re: What can we do?

Post  Chancemen Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:00 pm

hehehe kinda Razz


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